Into the Sunset Bouquet
The Into the Sunset bouquet is a happy, cheerful floral arrangement. It includes a tangerine Icelandic poppy and a deep orange rose. This is no ordinary flower bouquet - these are artisan-made paper flowers that will never wilt! Place this richly colored arrangement in your favorite vase and add instant happiness to your shelf.
-Materials: FSC certified crepe paper, non-toxic dye, wire-Approximate dimensions: 7" W x 14" H
-Bouquet comes wrapped in tissue (vase not included)
-Note that arrangement colors may vary slightly depending on your monitor/screen settings
*The Buy Now button will take you to Unwilted's website where you can place your order
The artisans use Italian crêpe paper to create detailed blooms. All Unwilted flowers are constructed on wire. If you would like to adjust the height of the bouquet, simply bend or snip the wires to the height you want.
We recommend that all Unwilted products be handled with care, be kept away from moisture and be kept out of direct sunlight to prevent fading.
Cleaning tips:
To clean, use a blow dryer set on low and cool to clear out any dust.
Unpacking a bouquet:
Each bouquet is hand-tied in a presentable bundle. Some blooms may need some light fluffing after shipment. Gently unpack the bouquet by opening the box, removing the vase (if applicable) and sliding the bouquet out from the cardboard divider. Then wiggle the smaller cardboard insert from between the stems and pop into the vase, or a container of your choice!
100% of the brands in Shelf Love Collective have been vetted for offering fair wages and being good stewards of the environment. Learn more.
All Shipping and Returns will be handled by Unwilted. See their site for policy information.
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